25 Comments Add yours

  1. Therese Assal-Nouh says:

    I’m so glad I found this website, my family and I left Lebanon in 1969. I was a student at the Immaculee Conception, Ashrafieh. I have been trying to locate some people I knew. Here some of the names: Therese Haddad, Georgette Hosny, Marie Dleptani, Souhaila Haddad. I found Norma Touma but unfortunately she didn’t remember me although we were togetger in Girl Scout. I went back to Lebanon about 3 years ago and I had the best time of my life. I went to the school to show my husband the area and the school i went to again unfortunately the gate was closed and no one would answer the bell at the reception room. As i remembered where Norma Touma lived I went by her house but no one would answer the door either, I figured they were away in the mountains on vacation. But if someone knows any of those ladies please let me know. My e-mail is:t.nouh1@yahoo.com. i also want to wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God bless Lebanon


  2. Tres bien dit 👏👏👏👏👏 Etre une ancienne de cette école et fière de l’être, c’est jamais oublier les maîtresses qui nous ont aimé et tant donné de leur Coeur, les soeurs qui nous ont appris la prière et la Jeunesse Mariale… 💜💜💜


  3. Patricia Rizk says:

    C’est touchant…pas de commentaires…vous avez tout dis…


    1. Merci! Les sentiments sincères se traduisent toujours par des mots touchants!


  4. Suzanne Azba says:

    It was a Great Moments
    Miss it soo much


  5. assaf rachel says:

    tres beau texte et tres beau souvenir ses souvenirs rechauffent le coeur rizkallah 😘


  6. Christiane says:

    Salut! Tres beau texte Claire, tu as reveille en moi l’ancienne eleve de la MP… Mais ayant cotoye feu Sr Marie-Suzanne, je ne peux qu’intervenir pour corriger a celles qui ont repondu a ta question sur le nom de son chat noir et blanc: c’etait LOUSTIC! (Ni Moustique ni Moustache 😉
    Bises a toutes :*


    1. Salut salut! Merci pour l’info et pour vos mots 😘


  7. jana says:

    Le chat de Soeur Marie-Suzanne s’appelait “Moustique” 😉


    1. Christiane says:

      Loustic plutot 🙂


  8. Joyce says:

    So touching article, beautifully written! Well done and by the way the cat is called Moustache… have a nice day xxx


    1. Thank you for you sweet words 😊


  9. noel says:

    A big thanks for my old school

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Eliana channaa says:

    I love my school, my church and all teachers and mothers and fathers I meet.


    1. They are all great teachers and our school is the best!


  11. Berna says:

    Am I the only one getting emotional after reading this? Or is it Montreal effect and being so far from what once used to be our 2nd home?? Plus I just learned that Mme Mourani passed away😔😔


    1. I am in Montreal too 🙂


  12. viviane nabhan says:

    And we will never forget soeur sassine , soeur paul and frere louis never never with love


    1. I didn’t speak about them because I don’t know them! But they must be great sisters!


  13. Super beau Claire! Ça me réchauffe le coeur! 💜💜💜 toute mon affection!


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